Grooming Tips for Your Furry Friend

Wondering how to groom your dog or cat? If so, you’ve come to the right place. As a company that offers pet care in Camden County, NJ, we know a thing or two about pet grooming. Read on to find out the best practices for grooming your furry friend.

Start Early With Grooming

Just because your new puppy or kitten doesn’t need grooming yet doesn’t mean you should wait until he or she does. Anything you want your pet to tolerate later in life should be introduced early, and grooming is one of those things.

Purchase the Necessary Supplies

At the very least, you will need the following supplies to groom your pet:

  • Brush
  • Pet shampoo
  • Pet nail trimmers
  • Scissors
  • Hair clippers
  • Pet toothbrush
  • Pet toothpaste

Specific Grooming Tips


When brushing or combing an animal, make sure you use a brush that allows you to get close to the skin. Brushes can range from a slicker for short coats to a wire brush for the thickest of coats. If you plan to bathe your pet, do the brushing before the bath.


When bathing an animal, make sure the water is warm — especially if it’s a young puppy or kitten since they can easily get too cold. You’ll want to make sure the animal feels secure throughout the process, so it’s helpful to speak softly and praise good behavior. Dry your pet afterward, or at least keep them indoors until they’re dry.


Be gentle and patient when attempting to trim your pet’s nails. Start by trimming just one nail a day and praising your pet as soon as you finish. Before making the cut, look for the quick, which is where the blood supply begins, and avoid clipping the nail too close to that point.


Dogs and cats need their teeth cleaned, but think of brushing your pet’s teeth as more of a gentle mouth massage and go easier than you would on yourself. Remember to use a toothpaste formulated specifically for your type of pet.

Consider Getting Help

Cutting your pet’s nails too short or accidentally nicking their ears with the clippers are common mistakes, especially if you’re inexperienced. For this reason, many pet owners prefer to outsource the task of grooming their furry friends.

Pooch Care Plus offers dog walking, light grooming, and pet sitting, and we can often combine these services. Contact us today for more information.

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