Are Human Foods Safe for Dogs?

Humans and dogs don’t share the same digestive systems, which means that some of the foods you consume can be harmful to your furry friend. According to Pet Med, if your dog eats something it shouldn’t have, it may experience severe food poisoning that can lead to death. However, many human foods are safe for dogs. This piece will focus on which foods are safe for dogs and which ones you should avoid.

Human Food To Feed Your Dog

The following foods are safe for your dog, but you should generally feed them in moderate amounts.


Apart from providing essential nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin A, carrots help remove plaque from your dog’s teeth and thus promote good dental health. The vitamins found in carrots can be beneficial for a dog’s immune system, skin, and coat. However, too much carrot can be toxic, so ensure he eats them in moderation.


Small amounts of plain bread can be a good source of carbohydrates for the dog. Opt for homemade bread over store-bought bread that contains large amounts of preservatives. You should also avoid bread that has spices and raisins.


Apples are an essential source of vitamin A and C, which boost your dog’s immune system. They are also a good source of fiber, which helps regulate your dog’s digestive system. Beware of feeding your dog rotting apples, though, as this can lead to ethanol, or alcohol, poisoning in dogs.

White Rice

Well-cooked plain white rice is easy to digest. It is also a good source of carbohydrates for the dog. However, too much rice can spike sugar levels and is not good for diabetic dogs.

Human Foods To Avoid

Some of the human food that you should never feed your dog include:

  • Chocolate — Chocolate contains toxic elements called methylxanthines that hampers the dog’s metabolic process. Chocolates of all kinds can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Cinnamon — Cinnamon and its oil tend to irritate the dog’s mouths. It also lowers blood sugars to dangerous levels, which can lead to increased heart rate and liver disease.
  • Garlic — Garlic is highly toxic to dogs. Garlic can create anemia in dogs, elevated heart rate, weakness, and increase the risk of collapse.
  • Ice Cream — Dogs should never eat ice cream. Ice cream contains high levels of sugars, which causes increased heart rates. Some dogs are also intolerant to lactose found in ice cream. 
  • Grapes — Your favorite fermentable fruit is toxic to dogs. Eating a grape can lead to serious kidney damage or failure. 

Exceptional Pet Care Services in Camden County, NJ

At Pooch Care Plus, we offer comfortable pet care services in Camden County, NJ. We understand your pets need the best care, even when you’re not home. Our full fleet of pet sitting and care services ensures your furry friends are in proper care around the clock. Pooch Care Plus takes a positive approach that creates an ambient but fun environment for your pet. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services.

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