3 Reasons Why It’s Important to Walk Your Dog

If you are a dog owner, then you probably know that your dog needs to be regularly walked . While letting Rover run around in the backyard can be helpful, it’s not a substitute for a proper walk. If you don’t have time during the day, we provide affordable pet care in Burlington County, NJ. Not only is walking your dog a great way for the two of you to form a bond, but it has many other benefits for your pooch’s well-being.

  1. A walk provides physical exercise. Just like their human companions, dogs can become overweight if they’re living the couch potato life. And going for a short walk just to give your dog a chance to relieve himself isn’t enough exercise, either. Help avoid health problems brought on by obesity by getting in a good long walk several times a week. Plus, it can be healthy exercise for you, too!
  2. Walking provides mental stimulation. A dog who sits around your house all day is going to be bored. While cats can amuse themselves with watching birds out the window, chasing a few toys around, and sleeping for the better part of the day, dogs are not so easily entertained. They crave the kind of stimulation that can only be found by walking around outside and physically exploring their territory. All of the sights, sounds, and smells will engage your dog’s brain and keep him from becoming bored. (And trust us — you don’t want a bored dog in your house.)
  3. It teaches them how to interact with properly with people. Ideally, you should start training your puppy to walk outside as soon as his immune system is healthy enough. However, even if you’ve adopted an older dog, it’s never too late to start teaching him the proper way to walk. Ideally, your dog should be walking at your side or slightly behind you. For dogs, social hierarchy is very important, and if you want your dog to follow your lead, then you need to show him that you are the alpha dog.

Busy pet owners who don’t always have time to walk their dogs can rely on Pooch Care Plus for reliable pet care in Camden County, NJ. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

Keep Your Furry Friends Safe This Winter

Many people don’t enjoy the colder months in the year (Why else would your parents have plans to move down to Florida when they retire?). Animals may share a similar sentiment, especially those who are not adapted to frigid climates. While a husky might not mind a romp in the snow, your chihuahua will likely not be a happy camper in freezing temperatures. In fact, winter weather can be dangerous for many pets.

At Pooch Care Plus, we are not only known for our super pet care in the Salem County, NJ region, but also for educating pet owners on how to keep their furry friends protected. Here are some important safety tips to keep your pets happy and healthy throughout the season.

  • Keep pets indoors as much as possible. While you’ll still need to take your pooch outside to use the bathroom, you should try and limit their exposure to the elements. If they’re used to going outside often, they might complain, but ultimately they will be safer and warmer inside.
  • If you’re bundling up to go outside, then so should your dog. Many breeds do not have warm enough fur to be outside when the weather hits 30 degrees. Consider getting your dog a sweater or coat that covers both his back and belly and all the way down to the base of his tail, especially if he’s a short-haired breed. It’s also important not to trim down your pet’s fur coat to the skin, as the extra fur will help them stay warm.
  • Take care of your pet’s skin. Just like you, your pet’s skin is more prone to drying out because of the heat running in your home. Try using a humidifier to increase moisture in the air (it will help you, too). Make sure you dry off your pet after coming inside from the snow or rain. Be extra careful drying his feet and between the toes, where little balls of snow can get stuck.
  • Don’t forget the paws! You can apply petroleum jelly or another protectant onto your pup’s feet to help protect them from salt and chemicals. You can also purchase booties to cover their feet, which helps keep them warm, as well as preventing the salt from getting stuck to their fur and between their toes.

Remember to take care of your furry companions this winter to keep them safe and healthy. And if you need an extra hand with pet care in Burlington County, NJ, contact the pros at Pooch Care Plus by calling 856-433-1956.

Why You Should Hire a Pet Sitter During Your Holiday Vacation

The holidays are a time when many families travel to reunite with loved ones across the country.  However, having a pet can make planning for travel difficult. Long journeys, whether by car or plane, can be very stressful for an animal. Not only that, but you need to ensure that once you arrive, your four-legged friend has a place to stay, whether at a hotel or a relative’s house. The alternative, of course, is to leave your pet at home, but how can you ensure that they will be cared for properly? Luckily, Pooch Care Plus offers premier pet care in Salem County, NJ, and many surrounding areas.

Benefits of Hiring a Pet Sitter

  • Personalized Attention – Our sitters always make sure that they understand exactly what your pet wants and needs. From the big things like making sure they get the proper amount of food, water, and exercise, to the smaller things like what your dog’s favorite toy is, we make sure we understand your pet’s unique situation before you leave.
  • Convenience – Pet sitters will come directly to your home, so there’s no need to try and find a place to board your dog or cat for the time that you’re away. Plus, many animals experience anxiety when placed in an unfamiliar environment. You can eliminate that stress for them by allowing them to stay exactly the place where they are most comfortable.
  • Modern Technology – You might be asking yourself, “how would technology play a role in pet sitting?” During the time you’re away, we can offer you updates via text and email — even video messages — so that you can be confident that your pet is just as happy and healthy as when you left.
  • Affordable – From rates as low as $15 a day for cats and small animals and $30 a day for dogs, you can make sure that your cuddly companion is well-cared for the duration of your trip, without spending a fortune.

As you’re planning your holiday vacation, don’t forget to plan your little buddy’s “staycation,” too!  Pooch Care Plus will give you the best pet care in Gloucester County, NJ, South Jersey, and the Greater Philadelphia area. We are fully bonded and insured, so you can trust that your precious pooch or furry feline will be safe with us. Call us today at 856-433-1956 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Paw Care is Essential for Any Dog’s Well Being – Here’s Why

It is now fall, and as the weather changes, you tend to bring more debris from your shoes into your home.  Our shoes and socks protect our feet from infection, but for dogs, cats, and other animals there is no comforting, protective layer between their feet and the ground.  This means that their feet are in constant contact with the floor, the ground, and any indoor or outdoor elements.  This constant contact can cause bacterial infections that can lead to a decline in the overall health of the dog.  

The people at Pooch Care Plus care about the health of your dog and would like you to know some ways that you can assure your dog stays happy, healthy and wagging.  

Keep Nails Trimmed

Not only do you protect yourself from your pooch’s long, sharp talons, but sometimes the

nails can actually get too long and curve under into the dog’s pad.  They can also break,

which provides a perfect opening for bacteria.  This is why it is important to make sure that Getting your dog’s nails trimmed is a part of your routine.

Wipe Down Feet

Not only does this protect your dog from allergies, but wiping down your dog’s feet off with

Baby wipes after being outside reduces the accumulation of bacteria and debris that can infect your pooch. This risk of infection can increase if your dog has an open wound or open nail bed.

Don’t Overdo Walks

This is especially important for those baby pooches or puppies that have sensitive pads. Too much walking on asphalt or another type of rough terrain can rub the pads raw and/or Cause cuts which allows bacteria to seep in.

Groom the Paws

Lastly, and sometimes the most overlooked part, is grooming the feet.  Long hair on a pooch can be a hazard for a dog.  If a dog has long hair between its toes, this hair can promote moisture, which can break down the skin.  This breakdown can open up spots for bacteria and debris to linger and cause infections.  

By making sure these few, easy steps are routinely taken care of for the pooch then you will ensure your dog’s optimal health and allow your dog more time for playing, wagging, barking and cuddling.

For more assistance with grooming needs, contact us at your convenience.  Pooch Care Plus offers dog care, pet sitting, waste removal, and emergency services across South Jersey. They have been in business for over two decades. For more information, contact us, or call 856-433-1956.

6 Fun Facts About Cats & Dogs

Do all dogs go to heaven?

Do all cats have nine lives?

These questions we cannot answer with certainty. Pooch Care Plus prefers sticking to the facts; the fun facts!

In this edition of Pooch Care Posts, we’ll discuss six #FunFacts about cats and dogs…


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Fun Fact #1 – All kittens have blue eyes at birth. That’s right. After right around the two-week mark, their eye color begins to change once they open their eyes.

Fun Fact #2 – Dogs are not color blind. This is a common misnomer. While dogs have worse vision than humans, they do not live in grayscale like many people once believed.

Fun Fact #3 – Cats are lactose intolerant. Although cats are often associated with slurping a bowl of delicious milk, giving a cat milk after kitten-hood often leads to an upset stomach and or other ugly side effects.

Fun Fact #4 – Domestic cats sleep about 67% of the day. Kinda like Garfield (but way less lasagna). Sixteen hours is the average amount of beauty rest required by household felines.

Fun Fact #5 – Cats and dogs have allergies just like us. Studies have shown that smoke, dust, and pollen are among the allergens that leave our furry friends inflamed. Some dogs are even prescribed medications such as Benedryl to deal with severe symptoms.

Fun Fact #6 – A group of kittens is considered a kindle, and a group of cats is classified as a clowder or a pounce. A group of young puppies is considered a litter, while a dog group is commonly known as a pack.


(Image Source)

Now for some fun facts about us. Did you know that Pooch Care Plus offers dog care, pet sitting, waste removal, and emergency services across South Jersey? That’s right! We have over two decades (that 140 dog years) of animal care experience.

Do you have more fun facts or photos of your furry friends to share with us? We look forward to it. We will even choose a few of our favorites to include in this monthly blog.

To get in touch with us, visit http://poochcareplus.com/contact-us/ or call 856-433-1956. Talk to you soon…